ZED Wiki

The memory hall is a regularly-recurring location in ZED. The player visits it a total of five times in the course of the game.

Scripts[ | ]

Story Ideas[ | ]

[SFX]: *rushing water, frogs croaking*

[Young Mal]: Here's my idea for the comic: ZED can be about anything we want it to be.

[Young Mal]: One story, he's this loser superhero. Next, he's on ancient Mars.

[Young Mal]: Then? He's fighting radioactive cannibals, post World War Three.

[Young Mal]: Get this: He's fully aware the whole time. Knows none of these places is home.

[Young Mal]: He's lost in the multiverse, trying to find the story he fits in.

[Young Mal]: Ms. Landsale said it's "very meta."

[Young Mal]: ...No, I don't know what that means, either.

Movie rights[ | ]

[SFX]: *voicemail beep*

[Mal]: It's Mal. You'll never believe this.

[Mal]: After cutting us out of merchandise for the character we made as kids...

[Mal]: ...after kicking us out of our own comic...replacing us with hacks...

[Mal]: ...and that drawn-out court case that amounted to nothing...

[Mal]: ...after basically blacklisting us from the comic industry...after cancelling the comic.

[Mal]: Plimco Comics just optioned the movie rights to Halbert Atwell.

[Mal]: *long sigh*

[Mal]: ...I never should have signed that contract.

A Flop[ | ]

[SFX]: *voicemail beep*

[Mal]: Hey, it's Mall. Reviews are out, my friend!

[Mal]: "A lifelessm soulless husk of a summer film."

[Mal]: Um..."Poorly conceived and badly executed."

[Mal]: "No purpose beyond thoroughly detailing the bottom of the barrel."

[Mal]: It's not just the critics. I showed up opening night to an empty house.

[Mal]: Whole ninety minutes just reeked of nobody caring...

[Mal]: I swear, ZED's farther away from finding his place in the metaverse than ever.

[Mal]: And I don't know about you, but I ain't seen a dime.

[Mal]: I tried doing some ZED sketched at a convention to pay the bills. And guess what? Plimco threatened to sue.

[Mal]: And I ask you: where was that erstwhile protection of the character when that "movie" got made?

[Mal]: "laughing incredulously*

Daughter[ | ]

[SFX]: *voicemail beep*

[Daughter]: Hey, Dad. It's me. Got your letter.

[Daughter]: Which I...really didn't expect.

[Daughter]: I'm screwing this up... It was nice.

[Daughter]: I agree. It would be good to be in each other's lives. It was a long time ago...

[Daughter]: That Christmas tree probably had it coming, anyway.

[Daughter]: I actually have to tell you, uh...family-related...

[Daughter]: I'm pregnant. We're pregnant.

[Daughter]: So...good time to reconnect. Good timing!

[Daughter]: Call me?

Sketches[ | ]

[SFX]: *voicemail beep*

[Daughter]: Hey, Dad. It's me.

[Daughter]: Uh, so...Trudy left a message. Your neighbor?

[Daughter]: Said something about a fire truck? You leave something on the grill? Again?

[Daughter]: I'll be by tomorrow. We should talk. There's a specialist I think we should see.

[Daughter]: Also, the sketches you emailed are amazing.

[Daughter]: How's it coming? What's it about? I mean I know it's about Zed, right? But...

[Daughter]: You said it's for Charlotte? That's...nice. Thank you.

Memory Fragments[ | ]

Easter Eggs[ | ]
